Mike (portrayed by Kevin Alejandro) is Sarah Braverman's much younger T&S Footwear co-worker, whom she kisses and then briefly dates.
Season 2[]
Mike and Sarah Braverman meet at T&S Footwear, where she is an intern, and he works as a forklifter in the warehouse. As she struggles to find a "cool" event to take her daughter, Amber Holt, and her friend, Kelsey, to, Mike helps her, suggesting a Ben Harper concert. She takes his idea and takes them there. However, Sarah has trouble getting into the concert and tries to leave, only to be stopped by Mike, who gets all four of them into the show.
Sarah thanks Mike later for the amazing night, prompting him to formally ask her out on a date. Sarah happily accepts and kisses him before leaving the warehouse. They are later seen on a date in a restaurant, where they run into Adam Braverman and Kristina Braverman, who are having their own "date night."
Sarah and Mike continue dating until she becomes romantically interested in their boss, Gordon Flint. Sarah accompanies Gordon on a business trip, where she runs into Mike. Mike asks her about their next date, but she is too busy having fun with Gordon to answer him properly. Mike then realizes that he'll never be able to compete with the much richer and more important Gordon, who is obviously also attracted to Sarah. Sarah promises Mike that she'll call him after her trip, but kisses Gordon later in the parking lot, ending her and Mike's short relationship.
Mike is not heard from again, and it can be assumed that he finds another job after Gordon decides to sell the company to a different owner.