Eziekiel "Zeek" Braverman (portrayed by Craig T. Nelson) is the husband of Camille and the father of Adam, Sarah, Crosby, and Julia Braverman. His mother is Blanche Braverman.
Before the Series[]
Zeek attended West Point Military Academy and graduated in 1962 ("Stay a Little Longer"). Zeek fought in the Vietnam War with the 5th Special Forces Group (Green Berets). He usually runs the family as a military operative, expecting his kids to take orders. like soldiers. This makes him less approachable than Camille, and more unlikely for them to actually listen to him, even when he's right.
Zeek is introduced into the series as the husband of Camille and the father of Adam, Sarah, Crosby, and Julia. He is seen as a tough, but loving man who cherishes his family. Zeek has an affair later on, nearly destroying his marriage as well as the relationship with his kids. When Crosby does the same with Jasmine, Zeek is one of the first to forgive him, having made the same mistake. He has most of his problems with Adam, whose parenting style differs heavily from his, and the two often disagree on a lot of things.
It's discovered that despite being hard on his kids, Zeek is highly proud of all of them, and considers them the only real good thing he did in his life, and the only thing he can show off to his mother as something he's done right. In fact, Zeek's strong feelings and involvement in his kid's lives stems from the fact that his mother was not involved in his. The kids show that they do love their father, even coming with him to see his mom and to his defense when his mom makes him feel bad again.
In the series finale, Zeek succumbs to his heart troubles dying shortly after Sarah's wedding. The Braverman's grant his dying wish by scattering his ashes on the baseball field and playing a game over him.